ensa trainings 2023

ensa Trainings 2023


The training concept has been revised for this year. Below you will find a description of the new modular training structure, an overview of the current training offers including registration links and other helpful information. Further trainings opportunities will follow until summer 2023. 

If this does not answer all your questions, Julia Friedli (j.friedli@promentesana.ch) will be happy to answer them. 

We look forward to your registration! 
Your ensa team


Modular structure

After passing the ensa training, which consists of the three elements Basic Day, Training Mental Health First Aid Focus Adults or Youths and the Assessment, you will become a prospective instructor. From this moment on, you have the possibility to train for further types of courses, such as Mental Health First Aid: focus Youth or First aid Conversations for Managers. The modular structure offers you the possibility to expand your profile on an individual basis, provided that the prerequisites are met. Further information can be found here.

Registration and payment

You can register for the respective offers via the links below. Registration via the doodle link is binding. 4 weeks before the start of the training you should receive information whether the training will take place. If the training takes place, you will receive an invoice, which must be paid at the latest before the training starts. Cancellations received 3 weeks or less before the start of the course are subject to a fee.  8-21 days before the start of the course: 50% of the individual course fee, 4-7 days before the start of the course: 75% of the price of the individual course and 1-3 days before the start of the course: 100% of the price of the individual course.



If you want to be certified as a future instructor, your skills will be assessed by a trainer within a course that you give. Decisive for the certification are the feedbacks of the participants as well as of the trainer. After passing the exam, you are qualified to give courses independently as an experienced instructor.

Procedure: please contact Mecky McNeil Mechteld McNeil (m.mcneil@promentesana.ch) if you would like to be certified. 

Price: CHF 300.-  (applies to people who have completed the instructor training from 2023 onwards). 


Training Mental Health First Aid: focus Adults

Content: The course contents of the ensa Mental Health First Aid Course Focus Adults will be covered in the training on a meta level. You will practice guiding and debriefing exercises, films and pictures that are part of the course. This gives you the opportunity to deepen and consolidate the contents of the course.

Duration: 2 days


•    Certificate Mental Health First Aid: focus Adults
•    Passed Assessment Training Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Youth

Price: CHF 1'300.-

  • Training Mental Health First Aid: focus Adults


    Date: 13th & 14th of June 2023, approx. 9am till 5pm

    Place: Lausanne

    Language: English

    Trainer team: Mecky McNeil & Michelle Wright

Training Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Youth

Content: The course contents of the ensa First Aid Course Focus Youth will covered in the training on a meta level. You practise guiding and debriefing exercises, films and pictures that are components of the course. This gives you the opportunity to deepen and consolidate the content of the course. 

Duration: 3 days

•    Certificate Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Youth
•    Passed Assessment Training Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Adults
•    Proven experience in the youth sector

Price: CHF 1'800.- 

  • Training Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Youth


    Date: 7th till 9th of November 2023, approx. 9am till 5pm

    Place: Lausanne

    Language: English

    Trainer team: Mecky McNeil & Michelle Wright

Training First Aid Conversations for Managers

Content: The course contents of the ensa First Aid Conversations for Managers course is covered in the training on a meta-level. You will learn how to support managers in paying attention to the health of their employees, how to notice changes early on and how to react to them. You will learn the signs of mental illness and practise first aid conversations with them in several role plays.

Duration: 1 day

•    Passed Assessment 
Training Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Adults or Youth
•    Confirmation of attendance of the ensa course First Aid Conversations for Managers
•    Own leadership experience

Price: CHF 580.-

  • Training: First Aid Conversations for Managers


    Date: 29th of June 2023, approx. 9am till 4pm

    Place: Zurich

    Language: English

    Trainer team: Alessandra Patti and Kai Scheffler

Training ensa Refresher Focus Adults

Content: In the training, you will learn how to give ensa first aiders from the ensa Mental Health First Aid course a refresher to extend their first aid certificate for another three years.

Duration: 1 day

•    Confrimation of attendece of the ensa Refresher Focus Adults as a participant
•    Passed Assessment Training Mental Health First Aid Course: focus Adults

Price: CHF 580.-

  • Training ensa Refresher Focus Adults


    Date: 18th of October 2023, approx. 9am till 4pm

    Place: Lausanne

    Language: English

    Trainer team: Mecky McNeil