ensa - Erste Hilfe für psychische Gesundheit

Questions and Answers

  • Who stands behind ensa?

    ensa is a project of the Swiss Foundation Pro Mente Sana, launched with the generous support of the Beisheim Foundation. While Pro Mente Sana works for the mental wellbeing of everybody in Switzerland, and particularly for the social and vocational integration of people with a mental impairment, the Beisheim Foundation – together with partner organizations – initiates and promotes projects to solve key societal challenges. Together we succeeded in bringing the Australian programme ‘Mental Health First Aid’ to Switzerland.
  • What does "ensa" mean?

    The word "ensa", which comes from one of the more than 300 languages spoken by native Australians, means "answer". We are convinced that ensa delivers the answer to questions of how to help people with mental difficulties.
  • What makes the concept so successful?

    The content of the ensa first aid course is based on scientific findings. There is no other programme whose effects have been documented by so many scientific studies in recognized specialist journals.
  • Why does ensa exist?

    Almost everybody in Switzerland is confronted with the subject of mental illness or at least has been in the past. The ensa first aid course is designed to help them. With the focused training they have undergone, ensa instructors provide course participants with the practical expertise they need to recognize mental problems and acute crises at an early stage in people close to them, and to intervene correctly.
  • Where does the idea of ensa come from?

    Betty Kitchener and Professor Tony Jorm developed the first aid course for mental health in Canberra (Australia) in 2000/2001. Betty Kitchener is a trainer who has been affected by mental problems, while Tony Jorm is a researcher in the field of mental health. Their objective was to make non-experts better able to help when persons close to them exhibit mental difficulties. Since the course was launched, 26 other countries (as at January 2019) have acquired licences and over 2.6 million people (as at mid-2018) have completed it.
  • What is the ensa first aid course about?

    The first aid course for mental health improves knowledge of mental health, reduces stigmatizing behaviour, increases people's confidence in their ability to help and strengthens their own mental health.
  • How can I support ensa?

    You can support ensa in a variety of ways, for example by attending a first aid course for mental health or becoming an ensa instructor. We are also delighted to receive donations to the Pro Mente Sana Foundation The Pro Mente Sana Foundation is a ZEWO-certified registered charity.
  • How can I ask more questions?

    If your question is not answered here, the best thing to do is e-mail us at info@ensa.swiss.
  • What does the ensa course entail?

    The ensa course starts off with the mediation of basic knowledge about mental health and mental illness. Together we will reflect on the frequency of mental illnesses as well as how we approach people experiencing mental health problems in our society. You get to the know the first aid for mental health in 5 steps and study the most common or most serious mental illnesses (depression, anxiety disorder, psychosis and addiction) First aid in crisis situations will be discussed and practiced throughout the course, as well as how to address and support people showing initial signs of mental health issues.
  • What do first aiders have that others don’t?

    First aiders have a basic knowledge of various mental health issues and crisis. They know how to approach the affected person in their personal milieu, to help, support and inform them as well as to encourage them to seek professional help and activate additional. First aiders do not learn how to diagnose mental illnesses.
  • How much does an ensa first aid course cost?


    The ensa course costs vary between CHF 150 and CHF 450 depending on the offer.
    Please find an overview at https://ensa.swiss/en/first-aiders/

  • How do I pay for the ensa first aid course?

    The first aid course is paid directly during the booking process on the website. The following means of payment are accepted: Postfinance, Mastercard, VISA or TWINT.
  • Can I cancel my attendance at an ensa first aid course?

    Every registration for an ensa course is binding. Cancellations can be sent to info@ensa.swiss. In case of cancellation of participation in a public course, the course fees will be refunded deducting a cancellation fee of CHF 50 (incl. VAT). Once a course has started, cancellation is no longer possible and course fees will not be refunded in case of course cancellation.
  • Can I rebook my ensa first aid course?

    If the user wishes to rebook to another course up to 7 days before the first day of a public course, they can do so using the link in the confirmation email to the original course. There will be no charge. If the rebooking is made less than 7 days before the start of the course, a rebooking fee of CHF 30 (incl. VAT) will be charged. Rebooking after the start of the course is not possible.
  • Can I register provisionally?

    No, your registration for the ensa first aid course is always final.
  • What happens, if I cannot fully attend the course?

    In order to be admitted to the exam and obtain the certificate, you must attend all parts of the first aid course. An absence of maximum one hour is permitted in consultation with an instructor. If the participant misses one or more course parts, they will receive an email notification. This contains a link that allows the user to book the missed course parts in an alternative course within 6 months. The user will be shown all options available at that time. A catch-up fee of CHF 50 (incl. VAT) is charged per booking. Multiple catch-up dates can be booked.
  • Who conducts ensa first aid courses?

    The ensa first aid courses are conducted by an ensa instructor. They have been prepared by specially qualified trainers of the Pro Mente Sana Foundation.
  • Where and when will the next ensa first aid course be held?

    You can register for an ensa first aid course directly at Kursseite.
  • Where can I register for the ensa first aid course?

    You can register for an ensa first aid course directly at Kursseite.
  • How long does the ensa first aid course last?

    The ensa first aid course lasts for 12 hours in total.
  • Is there a final exam?

    Yes. After the ensa first aid course all participants receive an electronic link to a survey about the course and the exam. The exam consists of two case studies, each with 5 questions, and 5 true-or-false questions (15 questions altogether). First aiders who pass the exam are sent the ensa first aider certificate by email.
  • What documentation do I receive before, during and after the ensa first aid course?

    We do not send out documentation in advance. You will receive the ensa manual during the course, and when you pass the exam, the ensa first aider certificate.
  • What preparations are necessary?

    No preparations are necessary.
  • How long is the ensa first aider certificate valid?

    The ensa first aider certificate is valid for three years. After that, the holder must take a short refresher course to maintain its validity.
  • How many people can take part in an ensa first aid course?

    This is at the discretion of the ensa instructors, up to a maximum of 20 people. We recommend a group size between 8 and 20.
  • In what language are ensa first aid courses conducted?

    In German, French, Italian and English.
  • Which professional groups recognise the ensa course as continuing education?

    • The ensa course is compliant with the regulations of the EMR (ErfahrungsMedizinisches Register). / • The Swiss Association of Nutritionists will certify the ensa course with 12 SVDE points. / • According to the training regulations of the Swiss Society for Occupational Safety (SGAS), this course (Mental Health First Aid: focus Adults) counts as 4 training units. / • The course is considered to be a specialist core training course and is recognised by the Swiss Society of Paediatrics (SGP) with 4 credits. / • Some ensa courses are accredited for further education in the field of pharmacy (FPH).
  • Is the ensa course reimbursed by health insurance companies?

    The Swica reimburses partially the course's costs if supplementary insurance is held. Depending on the supplementary insurance, this portion can be 50% or more. Clarifications are currently being considered by other insurers regarding reimbursement.
  • Who can become an ensa instructor?

    To become an ensa instructor, you need an ensa first aid certificate Focus Adult or Focus Youth, an open attitude towards people with mental illness, and proven experience in adult education. In addition, you should have a connection to mental illness, either professionally or through personal experience. Furthermore, you will need to lead ensa first aid courses on a regular basis and be willing to plan and organize them independently.
  • How do I become an ensa instructor?

    If you have attended the ensa first aid course Focus Adult or Youth and have the necessary prerequisites, you can apply for the ensa instructor training. To do so, submit a short CV and the application form describing why you are suitable for the training. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to clarify your open questions about the ensa training and the ensa teaching profession in a personal online interview. If your application is accepted, you will first participate in the basic training day. This will be followed by the ensa first aid course focus adults or ensa first aid course focus youth. You choose the respective ensa focus according to your personal knowledge and interests. Finally, you will prove your skills in an ensa assessment. As soon as you have passed this assessment, you are a prospective ensa instructor.
  • Is there an exam?

    Yes, between the ensa first aid course Focus Adults or ensa first aid course Focus Youth and the ensa exam, there is a written exam in open form. The result of the written exam is included in the evaluation of the ensa assessment. The exam consists of a 30-minute presentation of the ensa first aid course Focus Adults or the ensa first aid course Focus Youth in front of a group and two ensa trainers. The ensa trainers assess whether you have the necessary skills to lead an ensa course.
  • What if I don't take part in the ensa training at all or not completely due to illness?

    A module is only considered fully attended if at least 90% of the participants are present. Catch-up dates are not provided for. In case of illness, the corresponding module must be made up before the next module can be attended. If a medical certificate is presented and written notice of cancellation is received up to 3 days before the start of the training, the make-up is free of charge. In case of cancellation less than 3 days before the start of the course with a medical certificate, an expense allowance (accommodation and meals at the course location) of CHF 100.00 per course day will be charged. For cancellations for other reasons, the cancellation conditions in the next section apply.
  • What happens if I have to cancel my ensa training at short notice?

    Cancellations without a doctor's note received 3 weeks or less prior to the course start date are subject to a fee. Cancellations received 8-21 days prior to the course start date will be charged 50% of the individual service fee, 4-7 days prior to the course start date will be charged 75% of the individual service fee, and 1-3 days prior to the course start date will be charged 100% of the individual service fee.
  • Who leads the ensa instructor trainings?

    The ensa training is led by internal ensa trainers of the Swiss Pro Mente Sana Foundation. They are ensa trainers with many years of experience, have a wealth of experience and are constantly continuing their education.
  • When will I know if an ensa training will take place?

    At least 4 weeks before the start of the training, a decision will be made based on the number of registrations whether the ensa training will take place.
  • What is the difference between payment by lump sum or individual service?

    You have the option to pay for the ensa training as a complete package, which includes the costs for the basic day, the ensa first aid course focus adult or ensa first aid course focus youth and the ensa assessment. This option is cheaper, but you are not entitled to a refund if you want to finish the ensa training between two modules. Book the individual modules (basic day, etc.) as single services, then you will have more flexibility
  • How do I pay for the ensa trainings?

    Payment is made by invoice, which will be sent by e-mail 4 weeks before the start of the training. The invoice must be paid at the latest before the start of the training. Payment by installments is possible in exceptional cases.
  • What if I book the package and realise I don't want to finish the training?

    If the package is booked, cancellation and repayment of partial services are excluded.
  • Do I have to finance the course attendance required for the training myself?

    Yes, all ensa courses must be self-financed.
  • What happens if I don't pass the ensa assessment?

    If you fail the ensa assessment, you have the option of repeating it at the next possible date. A one-time retake of the assessment in case of failure is free of charge.
  • How do I obtain ensa certification or the status of "experienced ensa instructor"?

    If you feel that you have taught enough ensa courses as a prospective ensa teacher and feel confident enough to teach ensa courses yourself, you can get certified as an ensa teacher. During the ensa certification, your skills will be tested by an ensa trainer during a course that you teach together. One of the decisive factors for the ensa certification is the feedback of the participants and the ensa trainer. After passing the exam, you are qualified to teach courses independently as an experienced ensa instructor.
  • What fees do I have to pay as an ensa instructor?

    ensa instructors pay an annual license fee of 200 Swiss francs to the Swiss foundation Pro Mente Sana. Among other things, this entitles them to use the ensa course platform. On this platform, ensa instructors can post ensa first aid courses and manage their participants. In addition, ensa instructors can find course material and news in their personal login area.
  • Was ist, wenn ich mich als ensa Instruktor*in zur*m Instruktor*in für ensa Teens ausbilden möchte?

    ensa Instruktor*innen, welche ihre Ausbildung auf dem Kurstyp Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Fokus Erwachsene oder Fokus Jugendliche erfolgreich absolviert haben, können sich für das ensa Teens Training bewerben. Da es sich um eine andere Zielgruppe (Jugendliche anstelle von Erwachsenen) handelt, muss auch von bereits erfahrenen ensa Instruktor*innen der gesamte Ausbildungsprozess durchlaufen werden. Weitere Informationen bezüglich der ensa Teens Instruktor*innen-Ausbildung sind hier zu finden. ensa Instruktor*innen, welche Ihre Ausbildung auf dem Kurstyp ensa Teens erfolgreich absolviert haben, können sich für das ensa Training Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Fokus Erwachsene oder Fokus Jugendliche bewerben. Da es sich um eine andere Zielgruppe (Erwachsene anstelle von Jugendlichen) handelt, muss der gesamte Ausbildungsprozess durchlaufen werden. Weitere Informationen bezüglich der ensa Instruktor*innen-Ausbildung sind hier zu finden. Diese Regelung gilt nur für den Ausnahmefall, dass sich die Zielgruppe ändert. Hat ein*e Instruktor*in das Assessment auf dem Kurstyp Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Fokus Erwachsene bereits absolviert, reicht der Besuch des Trainings Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Fokus Jugendliche für die Anerkennung aus, da die Zielgruppe hier in beiden Fällen Erwachsene sind.
  • What conditions do I have to fulfil to become an ensa instructor?

    The ensa instructors sign a contract with the Swiss foundation Pro Mente Sana. In this contract, the ensa instructors undertake, among other things, not to duplicate the teaching materials, not to adapt the teaching materials, to conduct ensa courses on a regular basis and to undergo ongoing training.
  • Do I run the ensa courses alone or in pairs?

    The ensa courses are only conducted by experienced ensa instructors. However, as a prospective ensa instructor, you are obliged to lead the ensa courses with an experienced ensa instructor
  • How do I get ensa assignments?

    There are different ways to get ensa offers. On the one hand, the Swiss Pro Mente Sana Foundation announces offers for company courses or public webinars in the lecturer login for which one can apply. This requires a certain degree of flexibility and initiative on the part of ensa instructors. Another possibility is to plan your own ensa face-to-face courses, which also appear on the ensa website in the course overview. For this purpose, the ensa instructors look for their own premises and are then responsible for the implementation and promotion of the courses. This variant can be more time-consuming for the first couple of courses, but it also allows more freedom in terms of course times and locations. For entrepreneurial instructors, there is the possibility to become an ensa partner and acquire corporate customers. Under sales partner you can find detailed information about the ensa partnership.
  • How will I be remunerated for the ensa assignments?

    As a rule, you have a framework contract with the Swiss Pro Mente Sana Foundation and are paid by the Foundation for the assignment. The salary varies depending on whether you are a trainee instructor or an experienced instructor. As an ensa partner, you receive a share of the participation fees and are then responsible for your own remuneration.
  • How is employees’ mental health strengthened?

    Companies and organizations can send employees on ensa first aid courses, or they can have courses conducted internally. Larger companies and organizations may find it beneficial to have employees trained as ensa instructors to conduct internal courses.
  • What does an internal ensa first aid course cost?

    We are happy to disclose the costs for companies and organizations on request.
  • What does the training of internal ensa instructors cost?

    ensa instructor training lasts five working days, divided in a three-day and a two-day part. We are happy to disclose the costs for companies and organizations on request.
  • Can employees become first aiders?

    Yes. It makes particular sense in the working environment for a certain proportion of employees to have first aider expertise. The Pro Mente Sana Foundation recommends 10%. This makes a prophylactic attitude to mental health part of the corporate culture, and employees affected by mental problems can be given support at an early stage.
  • Can companies and organizations conduct their own ensa courses for employees?

    Yes. Companies and organizations can have first aiders trained internally by the Pro Mente Sana Foundation or by independently active instructors. Or they can have ensa instructors of their own trained, who will then conduct internal first aid courses for mental health. Licensing as an ensa instructor is personal, not linked to the company or organization. If you have any questions or queries, please contact info@ensa.swiss.
  • 1. Commitment of Top Management

    Top management significantly shapes the company culture. As a leader, you should make mental health a priority in your corporate strategy and occupational health management. Start now by reducing stigma against people with mental health issues. Encourage employees to seek professional help early. Cover the training costs for ensa first aid courses until at least 20% of the workforce is trained in handling mental health issues in the workplace.
  • 2. Mental Health First Aid Conversations for Managers

    Through ensa first aid conversations, managers can recognize signs of psychological difficulties in the early stages and react to them at an early stage. The earlier the conversation is sought with those affected, the sooner help can be provided. As a manager, you will learn to pay attention to the health of your employees and to recognize and address changes at an early stage. You will practise conducting first aid talks in role plays. Doing the right thing helps to avoid human suffering and high consequential costs.

      Course overview

    • Duration: 3.5 hours excluding breaks
    • Completion: Certificate of participation
    • Course format: classroom course or webinar
    • Cost: CHF 250 per person
    • Participation: from 18 years old
    • Languages: German, French, and English
    • Course content

    • Mental health in the workplace
    • Mental health in your organization and within your team
    • Mental health of your employees
    • Recognizing signs of mental health problems at an early stage
    • Practice first aid talks with employees in role plays and discussions
  • 3. Mental Health First Aid: For employees

    This course enables non-professionals to recognize mental health problems in employees, to approach them in order to help them and to encourage them to seek professional help. In several parts, basic knowledge about mental health is imparted and first-aid conversations are practiced. It is not about diagnosis or therapy, but about supporting those affected in accessing professional help. The effect of ensa first aid courses has been empirically proven. Through early recognition, long-term absences within the organization can be prevented.

      Course overview

    • Duration: 12 hours excluding breaks
    • Completion: Exam including certificate
    • Course format: Classroom course or webinar
    • Cost: CHF 480 per person
    • Participation: from 18 years old
    • Language: German, French, Italian, and English
    • Course content

    • Learning the basics of mental health disorders
    • Learning and practicing practical first aid measures in case of problems and crises:
    • - Approaching a person in distress
    • - Assist, support and inform them
    • - Know how to encourage professional help
    • Practice and learn the 5 steps of first aid for mental health according to ROGER through practical role plays
    • Online final exam and first aider certificate
  • 4. Mental Health First Aid Focus on apprentices: for vocational trainers

    This course is aimed at adults who want to provide mental health first aid to young people in their care: Parents, teachers, school social workers, youth group leaders, vocational trainers, young coaches and many more. Basic knowledge about the most common mental illnesses and crises in young people is taught in a practical way. Participants learn to recognise problems at an early stage and address them in a non-judgemental way, help those affected and encourage them to seek professional help. The effect of ensa mental health first aid courses has been empirically proven.

      Course overview

    • Duration: 14 hours excluding breaks
    • Completion: Exam including certificate
    • Course format: Classroom course or webinar
    • Costs: CHF 450 per person
    • Participation: from 18 years old
    • Language: German, French, Italian, and English
    • Course content

    • Basic knowledge of youth mental health and development and major mental illnesses in adolescence
    • Learn how to provide first aid when a young person has mental health problems:
    • - Practice assisting young people in a mental health crisis
    • - Learn to support and inform them
    • - Know how to encourage professional help
    • Practice and learn the 5 steps of first aid for mental health according to ROGER through practical role plays
    • Online final exam and first aider certificate
  • 5. Confidential and competent advice for everyone

    Following the ensa courses, the interdisciplinary services offered by Pro Mente Sana provide your employees with anonymous counseling by professionals outside the organization.